Research Topic: Health
Chosen Area of Focus: Will the lack of exercise affect Body-Mass-Index?
1. Framing our research topic
Our chosen area of focus is “Many adults are unhealthy because of lack of exercise’’. We have chosen this topic as it shows us how one can exercise to ensure that we keep fit by exercising properly and how it affects our health. Exercise has long been touted as the panacea for everything that ails you. For better health, simply walk for 20 or 30 minutes a day (Gina Kolata, 2008).
a)Possible reasons for many adults being unhealthy because of lack of exercise. “A research conducted about exercise says that exercising helps reduce Cancer-Related Fatigue (Ryan Halvorson, 2008).
b)The advantages of exercising is that it helps build and maintain healthy bones,muscles and joints, it can ward off diseases. It can also prevent muscle cramps. Exercise controls weight. Exercise improves mood. Exercise boosts energy.
c)Hence, some possible solutions is to exercise regularly with different kinds of exercises every day. This could help build stronger muscles in those areas. Another way is to be involved in sports not only improve physically, but mentally and intellectually.
2. Reasons for choice of topic
We have chosen this topic, as we want to find out more about how exercise affects our health. It is said that regular exercise helps in boosting the immune system and Insulin sensitivity is decreased due to exercise (Herbal Home Remedies, 2009).
This allows us to fulfil the requirements of the project task as the project task looks at the effects of not exercising, exercising and over-exercising, which is also what we will be doing.
This topic benefits the society as people will know the limits of exercising.
3. Feasibility of the research
There is a need for our research, as many people do not exercise regularly and get really unfit and unhealthy, especially many adults. Hence, our research can help to let these people know that they need to exercise in order to stay healthy and fit.
It is possible to carry out and complete the project, as there are many adults in the neighbourhood to interview and to survey. The proposed course of action is logical and realistic as it can be completed with the help of adults who would be willing to do a survey and with our hardwork and group effort.
The research provides sufficient opportunity for generation of ideas, as we will constantly have to think of ways to do certain things in the project. As for analysis and evaluation of ideas, we will certainly have many opportunities to analyse information and evaluate ideas on how to go about deciding what to do next.
4. Manageability of the research
This task is fairly difficult as it is hard to get solid evidence and statistics easily. However, through surveys and interviews from outside, it is a challenge but not impossible. We can look up on the net for suggestions and information on the topic
5. Accessibility of the information required
Information/knowledge that will be relevant to our research would be the amount of time people usually spend on exercising on average each day.
We will be obtaining this information from primary and secondary sources, depending on which one gives more reliable and useful information. Some alternatives that we have thought of would be to ask others for information or where can we find the information that we need (e.g. the Internet).
Some problems we anticipate while gathering my materials would be that the information that we can find is not entirely relevant to our project and that that is already the closest piece of information among all others that we have found.
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